Cancellation and Refund Policy
We adhere to a strict No Refund Policy for cancellations after payment has been made. Please note that orders cannot be canceled once the payment is processed.
The company will not issue a refund to anyone who refuses a delivery, or in any way attempts to return a shipment.
Please check all addresses and zip codes carefully. Damage to the product or non-delivery due to incorrect or incomplete shipping addresses voids our guarantee, so please be sure to double-check addresses. The customer will then be responsible for the charges of a new order.
Damaged Product Handling
If you receive a product in damaged condition, please do not accept the delivery. Return the item immediately with the courier, noting the reason for return on the delivery slip. To expedite the process, we recommend taking a photo of the damaged item and emailing it to us at
Only by following these steps will you be eligible for a refund or exchange.
Refund Processing Time
Please allow up to 10 business days for us to process and complete your refund request.
Post-Delivery Responsibility
We are not responsible for any damage caused after the product has been delivered.